Museums of History NSW online shop
1788: The Brutal Truth of The First Fleet
1788: Watkin Tench Text Classics
Text Publishing
Terra Australis Text Classics
Life and Adventures 1776-1801 Text Classics
James Cook: The story behind the man who mapped the world Paperback
By Sea & Stars: The Story of the First Fleet Paperback
Fourth Estate
Captain James Cook
ABC Books
The First Fleet Paperback 2017
Dampier, the Dutch and the Great South Land
Private Journal of A Voyage To Australia
Allen & Unwin
The Savage Shore
Botany Bay and the First Fleet: The Real Story
Black Inc.
Bennelong & Phillip: A History Unravelled
Scribner Australia
Hyde Park Barracks Souvenir Book
Museums of History NSW
Banks Paperback Edition
$39.99 $25.00
The Europeans in Australia: Volume One - The Beginning
UNSW Press
The Europeans in Australia: Volume Two - Democracy
The Europeans in Australia: Volume Three - Nation
Dreamers and Schemers: A Political History of Australia
A Democratic Nation: Identity, Freedom and Equality in Australia 1901–1925
Melbourne University Publishing
$59.99 $30.00
The Commonwealth of Thieves The Sydney Experiment 2018 Paperback
Van Diemen’s Land