Museums of History NSW online shop
Life and Adventures 1776-1801 Text Classics
Text Publishing
1788: Watkin Tench Text Classics
Terra Australis Text Classics
1788: The Brutal Truth of The First Fleet
Convict Colony
Allen & Unwin
Australia & the Pacific: A history
NewSouth Books
Captain James Cook
ABC Books
Dampier, the Dutch and the Great South Land
James Cook: The story behind the man who mapped the world Paperback
Banks Paperback Edition
Bennelong & Phillip: A History Unravelled
Scribner Australia
Arthur Phillip Sailor Mercenary Governor Spy - LAST COPY
Hardie Grant
Botany Bay and the First Fleet: The Real Story
Black Inc.
Endeavour: The ship and the attitude that changed the world
The First Fleet Paperback 2017
The Making of Australia
The Savage Shore
Australians: A Short History Paperback
Dancing With Strangers Text Classics
Three Sheets to the Wind
Trim, the Cartographer's Cat
Meet... Captain Cook
Captain Cook and The Endeavour
Walker Books